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Is Staging Worth the Time and Money?

Is Staging Worth the Time and Money?

If you’ve decided it’s time for a change and you’re about to list your Memphis home for sale, you’ll have many decisions to make quickly. One of the most important is whether or not you should stage your home. This process of deep-cleaning, decluttering, and de-personalizing your home will impress buyers, but it’s also expensive and time-consuming. So is staging worth it? Let’s take a look!

You’ll Make More Money

If you want to maximize your chances of getting a great price on your home, you should definitely stage it! While the numbers vary, you could make anywhere from 1% to 25% more on a home that’s been staged as opposed to one that hasn’t been. The Real Estate Staging Association reports on the higher end, claiming that 85% of homes that were staged were sold for 5% to 23% over their list price. While you probably shouldn’t expect 25% over your list price, it’s not unreasonable to think you’ll make more money on a staged home.

You’ll Sell Your Home Faster

While there are no guarantees that your home will sell faster staged than it would un-staged, there is definitely data to back up the fact that buyers are much quicker to make an offer on a home that’s been staged. Why? Staged homes are more impressive. From the enhanced curb appeal to the more neutral aesthetic on the interior, it’s easier for a buyer to visualize themselves living in a home that’s been staged.

A big factor that makes staging worth it is de-personalizing, meaning the removal of family photos and niche décor. The professional stagers will replace them with choices that tend to appeal to the average buyer such as neutral, understated décor. In one survey from the National Association of Realtors, 83% of buyers had an easier time visualizing a property as their future home thanks to staging.

You’ll Gain a Competitive Edge

If buyers are looking at many houses, a staged home will be more likely to stand out to them. Think of it this way: if every other home that a buyer looks at is staged and yours isn’t, yours most likely won’t be their first choice. If all the homes they see are staged, all things being equal, your home won’t be any more or less impressive. But if all the other homes they view aren’t staged and yours is, yours will stand out in the best way possible!

To DIY or Not DIY?

If you’ve looked into professional staging and noticed that the price is more than you’re willing to pay right now, you may be tempted to do all the staging yourself. But unless you have a background in design, the results will, unfortunately, look like they’ve been DIYed. They simply won’t impress buyers the way that professional staging does. So, in, the end, professional staging is well worth it!

Home staging can also vary in price widely depending on what you are asking for. You should expect to pay somewhere between several hundred and a couple thousand dollars. So if you shop around, you can definitely find something more aligned with your budget. Renting furniture, for example, is something that will cost you extra, but you may not need to do that.

Talk to Centric Realty About Staging Your Memphis Home for Sale

The bottom line is that staging your home is an important investment if you want to sell your home and sell it fast. If you’re in the Memphis area and you need help selling your home, turn to Centric Realty! With our expertise, we make sure your home is staged to impress every potential buyer allowing you to make top-dollar for your home, fast.

To learn more, contact Centric Realty today!

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